So since my last post we have been VERY busy. School is progressing and assignments, tests, projects are rolling in. Nathan has been busy with his own business, Restaurant Recyclers. He and Jim seem get at least one new customer each week, so that is great! Austin is definitely the place to do a recycling business. I also decided to start selling Mary Kay this past weekend to bring in some extra income for our family. I think it will be fun, but a little stressful at the same time because I want to succeed and do good at it. I guess it will just take some time and learning. Aside from school, Nate's company, and my new business venture, Reese is keeping us on our toes and quite busy. There is never a dull moment with her anymore. She is growing so fast and developing such a personality! She is constantly smiling...Well when she gets her way. Nathan was telling her tonight, "Reese you were such a good girl all day for daddy and now you're being a little Miss Priss." He was trying to watch O'Reilly and eat a snack and hold her while she was working on falling asleep but she wanted to be up and moving around to fall asleep not sitting. :) You may wonder where I was...I was working on a test review for my personal finance class. Tomorrow night I will be reading that thing 1,000 times to prepare for my first test in college since I've been a mommy, on Thursday. Wish me luck. :)
My city boy went dove hunting for the first time on opening day, September 1st.
My baby girl, if you cant see it...she is wearing her "Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner" onsie in honor of Mr. Patrick Swayze.
Just playing around :)
She love Love LOVES Jack...That is her buddy!
Reese going for a ride around the apartment complex. She was quite cranky so as long as she is moving she is happy. I'm thinking we might have a little case of baby ADD. :)
CONGRATS!!! I am so happy for you! :)