Friday, January 8, 2010

Boy Oh BoY...Have I been SLACKING!

First I'd like to apologize to my avid blog followers, if I had any!...As I was sitting here at my parent's house, Reese is fast asleep with Nana and Papa...I got to thinking about when in the heck was the last time I have posted on my blog???? NOVEMBER 10TH! ooopsy! Needless to say, life has been quite hectic, to say the least. Right after that last post came Thanksgiving, then my finals for school, then Christmas, then New Years, and here we are! School starts in just under two weeks and ohhhh how I am not looking forward to it! Gotta keep telling myself only this last semester (with the appropriate grades :) and I am DONE!

Anyways, over the past two months I have taken tons of pictures and Reese has grown tremendously! She is just getting over her FIRST cold. I am so thankful I was here at mom and dad's for this one though because it was quite draining trying to figure out what hurts, how to treat it, how to please her, how to sleep, how to get her to sleep when she can't breathe through her nose. :( It was stressful...but luckily, for the most part, she is over her cold...however now Nana and I have taken it over. But I would much rather be sick than her. It broke my heart having to push nasal saline up her little nostrils with the bulb thing and then suck out the boogers. I kept asking mom if she'd remember or hate me afterward. Again, so happy I was here to have her reassurance, guidance, and help. I tend to get quite stressed out when Reese shows any signs of not normal. I will say that although she was very congested and coughing, during the day she was, for the most part, pretty close to her fun smiling self.

Aside from Reesey being sick, we too had the normal crazy holiday madness. It was such a blast to be there and witness Reese's first Christmas as she stared in amazement of us telling her to rip open the presents. And then tons of toys and stuff all around her. It was the best feeling ever. Although my days of real sleep have long gone out the window, she is the greatest gift of all. The joy she brings to my life is indescribable. Below are some of my favorite pictures over the past two months....

Reese helping Gma Wakeman with dishes...ha...her new thing she loves it being naked! It is HILARIOUS!

This picture makes me laugh everytime I see it...Reese just being Reese and being silly in between presents...

Reese on Christmas Eve in her beautiful Christmas dress and adorable white fur coat and red shoes from Aunt Jenny

Jack waiting for Reese to drop SOMETHING or Reese will even intentionally throw something down....

Helping me unload groceries :)

Having fun at the park, enjoying the awesome weather!

Reese and Sophia helping me clean the refrigerator

Going for a walk around downtown Austin on New Years Eve

Reese and Sophia (Reese's friend who is just three months older)

Us on Christmas morning in Magnolia...Reese looks thrilled...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I go to class.....Reese and Nana go shopping.....

So today I had class from 2-620. Usually when mom comes up to watch Reese, so I can go to class and Nathan can go work, they just hang out at the apartment. Today it was such a beautiful day out so mom decided to ride down to San Marcos with me, drop me off at school, and go to the outlets with Reese. During my first class they just ran to WalMart then came back to campus before my next class. Then from 4-6 they hit the outlets. Mom said she just wanted to run by Bath and Body Works, but six o'clock rolled and still no Reese and mom. So I texted them and get this...
(along with the above picture...) "Bet you can't guess why we are late"

Since you don't know...she was wearing a onsie and shorts when we left earlier in the day, apparently it got chilly out while I was in class so Nana took Reese to get pants and a jacket from GAP and some new Nike tennies! Reese officially has her first pair of Nike's! Needless to say, they picked me up a couple minutes later. Reese was passed out in the back seat with Spongebob playing. Overall my guess would be that Nana and Reese had an ok day...ha ha They had a great time today! :)

PS Mom and dad gave us their portable DVD player so Reese takes car rides much more pleasantly! :)
Just getting home and crawling around in her new tennies.

She saw the camera in my hand and went straight for it.

Horrible picture of me...but me n my girl :)

Not the best video, but just so those of you who don't see Reese a lot can see how much she is crawling and how well she is getting around. We can't leave the room for more than 5 seconds without her being into something or making her way there.

Reese gets her first haircut...

This weekend I went to get my hair cut and colored before Nikki, my hair girl, fixed it for my bridal portraits we did on Saturday. It was quite an eventful weekend. Somehow Saturday flewwww by so fast. I had my hair appointment at 10 am, we got done there about 1:30 (we were running late and we did a lot :), then we had to haul butt back to Bremond to grab my dress, throw on some make-up, then to Calvert to take some pictures at the church and downtown, then we had to rush back to Bremond to make it in time for some sunset pictures. It was all accomplished and everything turned out great. I would give a little preview of the bridal pictures as well, but Nate can't see until March 6th. :) I had such a blast and was so glad to get to visit with Lauren as well, since I don't get to see her very often.
We actually only took off a couple little "whispsies" because they kept going in her eyes. Everything else we left to grow more. :)

Reese and Nana just before they left the house to go get Reese's shots. I am still too much of a weenie to take her myself.

This video was actually taken during the week. I was feeding Reese dinner and she and Nate got into a war. It was too cute.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

This weekend we celebrated mom and dad's 25th wedding anniversary. I came to Bremond on Thursday and Nate made it down this afternoon. We hung out here around the house and then went to Hearne for dinner at Ama's Mexican Food. Reese also started really crawling today so it was a great day. I will post a video of her crawling within the next couple of days. She is starting to move everywhere, and even pulled up on the table by herself. We stay right be her side because she still face plants every couple of steps. However, for the most part she has it down. It is so exciting. We didn't go trick or treating because obviously Reese does not do candy yet, but a couple weeks ago I dressed Jack and Reese up in their costumes. Reese was a cute little giraffe and Jack was a fireman. I love being a mommy, and love my family, life it great.....if only school would end.....SOON!!!
Reese and Jack in their Halloween costumes

Jack as the devil in this one...Reese just chillin' :)

Of course Reese trying to eat his hat...

Reese and her uncle Ryan
Nana, Papa, and Reese

My fam :)

Probably one of my favorite pics of me and my girl.

Playing with mommy's boots

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Update :)

So since my last post we hit up a pumpkin patch, attempted to carve a HUGE pumpkin (but ended up only cleaning it out and roasting the seeds), had a doctor appointment, and Reese is ALMOST crawling! :) She is getting so big. I know I say that just about every post, but it seems as though time is just flying by especially with our busy lifestyle. This semester of school is past half way and I am so looking forward to it being OVER! School is just not the same when you have a family and real life. I miss those days or weekends of doing nothing and spending time with my family. It seems so nonexistent anymore. :( Anyways, below are some pictures of the events I mentioned. There are more pumpkin patch pictures on Facebook, so feel free to take a look there as well.
Reese's new boots! :)

The best dr, Dr. Alice Blount, and Reese

Eating some lunch on the way to Fort Worth for a Mary Kay party

What Reese thought towards the end of the party...ha ha

Eating some ice cream at Casa Ole

She loved it!


Drinking some tea at Nana and Papa's

The funniest thing ever. I loved it.

Playing with paper at doctor.

She fell asleep on the floor watching Yo Gabba Gabba

Cleaning out the pumpkin and Reese is investigating the slimy stuff. Good times with family.

Me and my girl at the pumpkin patch

~love Love LOVE my wonderful family~

Trying to crawl! The blanket she's crawling on...I made her. Probably the easiest thing ever. :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Reese loves Jack

Yesterday after I gave Reese a bath, I bathed Jack as well. After he gets a bath he gets all excited and runs around everywhere! Reese just loves this. Enjoy!

PS Reese's favorite show "Yo Gabba Gabba" is on in the background, so excuse the wierd songs. ha

Bring your daughter AND fiance to work day... :)

On Monday, after class I was meeting up with Nathan to grab Reese because he had to compost for work. I decided since I had never really got see what he does, that I wanted to go out there with him. I have been wondering for awhile, so I figure why not. It was a little chilly, muddy, and pretty much gross outside. This did not help AT ALL with the smell of this food! I knew it would smell, but lordy....It was rank! What an awesome man to provide for our family and have to smell that everyday. That is all part of starting your own business though, doing all the dirty work now, and then make money to pay someone later. Reese and I had a good time out there. She was talking away and making her loud noises and trying them all out. It was like she was telling them what to do. ha ha. I am glad we got to see what daddy does, and actually spend a little time with him. Lately we have been so busy running around, dropping and going, that we really haven't got to spend good time together. Even if he was working, we still got to see him! :)
Nathan looking THRILLED!!

Working hard...Scooping that food and putting mulch in with it.

I know, horrible pic of me, I was trying to get Reese and wasn't sure if I was in the pic.

Me and my girl :)