Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Little of This...Little of That

To those of you who do actually read this :)...I am sorry I have been slacking just a little bit this past week. Since Reese has about outgrown her bassinet, we are going to Chicago next week, and I start school in two weeks...I wanted to get stuff done around the house. I ordered the crib and cute decorations for Reese's room. I know that is usually something that is done before the baby even arrives. However in our situation it was not appropriate, besides...who cares :) How we have done things have worked great for us, and that's what makes us US! Decorations started coming in yesterday, it was the mobile. It's cute. More came in today. So almost all the decor is here, but the crib has NOT even shipped yet. Website says it'll be here around the 17th. Ugh...little do they know/care I wanted it by this Saturday so I could have her room done before Chicago because I start school just a couple days after I get back. Oh well, I'm gonna try to have everything hung up and in place. then when it does come we can just set it in place. Aside from Reese's room on the to do list has been errands, going through our file cabinet, making doctor appointments, cleaning, organizing, etc, etc, etc....So below are just a couple pictures and videos I have snapped over the past couple days. The quality is great because it was on my phone. On my to do's was clear out my camera card, so the phone was more handy.

Friday before we went out to lunch with Brian and Holly. My baby girl is attempting to hold her own bottle. You'll see the video below.

Got that little pinkie in the air. ha ha

She likes to sit up on the couch and always smiles!

My fav of this blog! I was trying to start dinner, because I cooked tonight :), and Reese apparently did not care. So Nana and Papa bought her this little chair that helps her sit up. She is getting pretty good at her by herself, but she tends to go side to side or just go all the way forward. Anyways, this is probably the best $30 bucks they have ever spent for me! She really likes it and just watches me or Jack or looks around. Yes I did have it sitting on the counter but I was right in front of her and constantly had an eye on her, soooo no lectures please :)

And...a random picture I shot on my phone from while passing by downtown Austin. Turned out pretty cool.

My baby trying to figure out how this "hold my own bottle" works. You'll see my hand actually holding it up but she is the one moving it. Too cute!

This is from today...I opened our balcony window blinds and she played in her Exersaucer and watched Jack outside on the balcony.

So that is about all I have. I was writing this sitting on the couch and right next to me was my precious baby sitting in her little green chair. I was about done and glanced over at her and saw one of her little hands on the couch and and her bobbing down while she was falling asleep. My heart just melted. I wish I could have gotten a picture, but I just wanted to hold her. She is absolutely the best thing that has ever happened to me. She is now in her swing and fell right to sleep when I set her in it. She is awfully tired today. I guess all the errands and stuff she and I have been doing is getting to her, it sure is getting to me! I feel like I have been ran over by a truck, I'm stressed, and my face is breaking out like a little teenager. :( Anyways, my love is about to be home and we are going to eat dinner and spend a little time together since I have been very into my "to do" list the past couple days. Goodnight. Love, US

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