Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Teething is making mom go crazy...poor Reesey :(

The past couple of days Reese has been teething and drooling away! She has still been sleeping well since we are back at home and she is in her normal routine. However during the day when it is just she and I, I get NOTHING done! She will swing for only a short period of time and you saw on the previous blog what she does when I put her in her swing. She wants me to hold her, but not sit and hold her. She is only happy when I am up walking around with her. If we are sitting it is to eat or get her to fall asleep. This evening before bath time I did want to unload the dishwasher so I moved her swing to the kitchen so I could talk to her, then I tried to entertain her by some tummy time. She never really has cared for "tummy time" she just wants to sit up or stand. She is getting better day to day on sitting up but we still don't have down the balancing yet. She will go wayyy forward or side to side. It is now 8:05pm, she has already had her bath and is in the swing asleep. I'm thinking she is just worn out from her mouth hurting all day. Hopefully she stays asleep and gets a good night rest!

Sitting in the middle of her Boppy

Tummy Time

This is an outfit, I JUST bought her two weeks ago...It is soo cute on her, but it is already tight. I was so sad because Monday would be her first and only time to wear it.

Look at her bow legged is normal though at this age. So cute!

More Tummy Time on camera, she didn't care for it too much. Notice the video is only about 15 seconds.

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