So sorry to my avid blog followers I have been very bad at updating. Life has been quite busy for life in the Vonderau-St.Clair (soon to be Vonderau :) household. I have had a test every week for school, then class Monday through Thursday, Nate is busy with Restaurant Recyclers, Reese, and somewhere in there doing my household/motherly chores. However over the past couple of weeks I have accumulated quite a few random pictures. Those that are not so clear were taken on my phone, because it is so handy to catch Reese in her cute little acts. I know I have said this a lot lately but she is developing such a cute personality. She laughs, and is just babbling away in her own little language. As far as eating food, she has cleared turkey, chicken, and beef with their broths, sweet potatoes, bananas, carrots, butternut squash, and green beans. And you saw from the previous blog she loves paper as well. ha ha Enjoy the pictures below! My last test, in my first string of tests, is this week so hopefully I will be able to update more often. My mom is now off every Tuesday and Thursday so she is going to drive to Austin to help me out with Reese so I can get some stuff done around the house, blog, study, wash clothes, etc!!
The six pictures below are outside of our church in Bremond. We were waiting on dad to finish counting money, so I did a little mini photo shoot of Reesey. She is really starting to get good at sitting up. She only fell to the side one time. :) Don't worry it is very thick St. Augustine grass.
This picture above is one of my favorite even though she isn't even looking at the camera
Checking out the grass
What do you want me to do?! ha ha
Absolutely beautiful! I love her soo very much!
This was also her first day to wear a bow in her hair :)
During church, Uncle Ryan brought Reese to the front for children's time. She was talking away too. She made all 14 members that were there laugh.
These are two randoms of when she, Jack, and I went on a walk around the complex. This picture was taken afterwards. She looks pretty sleeping...
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